The Town of East Hampton has endorsed the East Hampton Power Down, Solar Up campaign in line with our community's continuous commitment to improving quality of life by promoting energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy.
Power Down/Solar Up: FREE Workshop
Join your fellow energy curious and conscious neighbors and friends for a free workshop hosted by the Town's Clean Energy Task Force. The workshop will be held at the East Hampton Public Library on Thursday, May 14, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
If you did not receive a by mail flyer outlining workshop details or if you set it aside for later review, click here to put workshop details at the top of your must see list!
Workshop Details
During the workshop you can meet with approved energy experts, discuss your energy concerns, and explore the how to make your home or business more energy efficient. These experts can also provide guidance on how to take advantage of federal tax credits, Energize Connecticut rebates, loan and lease options.
Also on hand will be representatives from Aegis Solar and New England Conservation Services.

Yes, it would be good to let the Clean Energy Task Force know if you plan to attend the workshop. Click here to register.