Sunday, January 25, 2009

World Travel

In the Footsteps of Marco Polo
In a quest to rediscover the route taken by Marco Polo, his father Niccolo and his Uncle Maffeo, on their famous journey to Medieval China, Denis Belliveau and Francis O'Donnell traveled by land for over two years. Air travel was not a consideration; mountains, seas, and deserts were all obstacles that had to be conquered in an effort to retrace Marco Polo's footsteps.

At first glance, lavish color photos give the book a coffee table look. Detailed descriptions of the people and places, however, present a more vivid chronicle of how customs and domestic life have changed in the regions first described by the adventurous Polo. Historic background information adds distinction to the stories of Kublai Khan, Ancient Cathy, and the Silk Road.

Denis Belliveau & Francis O'Donnell's In The Footsteps of Marco Polo is the companion book to the PBS film of the same title.

Further Reading: Travels of Marco Polo: the Venetian has been a best seller since it was first written by the intrepid adventurer himself in the 13th century. The book had a enormous impact on East-West relations and continues to inspire and inform would-be travelers and students of world history and politics.

Content developed by library staff member Bev Simmons