As part of our year-long series of go-green programs, offered in collaboration with the Rockfall Foundation, the library organized a trip to the Trash Museum in Hartford, CT on August 13th. This trip gave a boost to our commitment to educate children in 4th and 5th grade about the environment and ways to protect and preserve it.
For this Fribrary Time trip, the library also reached out to a local childcare center, Kids of Chatham Organization (KOCO), to help ensure that many children in our community were able to participate in the program.
For this Fribrary Time trip, the library also reached out to a local childcare center, Kids of Chatham Organization (KOCO), to help ensure that many children in our community were able to participate in the program.
At the museum, our guide showed us the various types of recyclables. We were then able to look down through large windows and via cameras at the center's activities. We learned how the trucks arrive and tip their contents onto the "tipping floor." Next, machines and workers begin the sorting process, using a variety of technology, such as magnets, and hand sorting. We also played an "I Spy" game in the Trash Palace, a small castle erected completely of ... garbage!
Finally, we were shown some fun items that can be made from recyclables. Our guide pointed out to us that so many items we use every day can be recycled and reused many times over before a final trip to the trash. A fun and educational time was had by all, adults included!
Next Up in Our Go-Green Series
Finally, we were shown some fun items that can be made from recyclables. Our guide pointed out to us that so many items we use every day can be recycled and reused many times over before a final trip to the trash. A fun and educational time was had by all, adults included!
Next Up in Our Go-Green Series
Our next Fribrary Times Goes Green program is scheduled on August 27th at 3:30 p.m. Register today for this program led by graduate students in UCONN's Center for Urban Transportation and Planning!
Post by Kathleen Sands