Books and online resources about conventional, complementary and alternative therapies abound. We here provide a very short list of consumer health titles that may be of interest, among other library-owned titles about the topics.
We recommend that you evaluate safety information, source credibility, and scientific documentation included in any medical title and address questions regarding your own health to your physician.
Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies offers common sense information about everyday health issues. Also try the Clinic's complementary primers about alternative medicine and diet.
Finding the Right Treatment: Modern and Alternative Medicine is a handbook that provides analysis and description of conventional and alternative medicine, the effectiveness of their treatments and therapies, and their strengths and weaknesses.
The Best Alternative Medicine is authored by Dr. Kenneth Pelletier, a clinical professor of medicine and senior research scholar at the Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention.
Maximum Healing is authored by Dr. H. Robert Silverstein, cardiologist and Medical Director of Hartford Hospital's Preventive Medicine Center. His book discusses combining conventional and holistic medical approaches to improve our immune systems.
The most current edition of PDR for Herbal Medicines offers information on over 600 common botanicals.
Surf's Up
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Ask Dr. Weil (Contains some commercial content)
Health & Wellness Resource Center (click "...and much more")
Office of Dietary Supplements