Saturday, November 06, 2010

Back to the Land

Back to Nature Potpourri
If you are interested in how others have approached homesteading as a contemporary choice, try Novella Carpenter's Farm City (urban Oakland CA), Living on an Acre (a 1978 USDA handbook updated and edited by Chester, CT's Christine Woodside), or Manny Howard's mainly memoir, My Dirt Empire (Brooklyn, NY). As a trio, these books offer a range of viewpoints about what it takes to grow or raise your groceries.

On the wild food cookbook front, Connie Green's The Wild Table adds to recent title list of books about edible wild plants.

Though the title choice is provocative, James Wong, an ethnobotanist, weighs in by describing natural remedies for a number of everyday ailments. The book is based on a BBC show of same name and received mention by NPR's All Things Considered. Add this one to a recent list of alt-med titles.

Settled in the Wild by Susan Hand Shetterly explores Maine's natural history. If you have Maine state interest, roots -- or are just looking for wonderful reads -- please do explore 1940-1950 vintage gem titles by Louise Dickinson Rich. For Connecticut natural history buffs and day trippers, try The Road to Discovery Guides.