Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Who Loves Sci-Fi? Who Loves Fantasy?

We Do! We Do!
In our online travels, we spied a list of recommended reads; did a quick compare, and were pleased with a voila moment!

Here's a brief round-up of great 2012 science fiction/fantasy titles to read in 2013, recommended by the folks over at Geek Magazine.

Hitchers by Will McIntosh
Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed (first in a series)
The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig (second book in the series is Mockingbird)
Redshirts by John Scalzi
Osama : a novel by Lavie Tidhar
The Killing Moon by N.K. Jemisin (second book in the series is The Shadowed Sun)
Caliban's War by James S.A. Corey (follows Leviathan Wakes)
Drowned Cities by Paolo Bacigalupi (follows Ship Breaker)