From the Hawaiian, wiki wiki means quick; a wiki is a web site that is easy to update quickly. The largest and most visible wiki on the web is Wikipedia which is an open source encyclopedia. Anyone can write or edit a Wikipedia entry. Anyone can edit, change or revert the article to its previous version. Sound messy? Well it is messy at times and it's not always apparent if the people who contribute to Wikipedia know of what they speak. Simply put, you take your chances using Wikipedia but it's not a bad place to get a quickie-wiki overview on a particular topic. Just be sure to check the facts using more than one reliable source.
Your state tax dollars support ICONN, which includes a collection of databases for children and adults. Databases feature articles from magazines, journals and newswire services; health and science information; national newspaper archives; history and genealogy resources... and much, much more. Moreover, the only thing you need to access this wealth of high-quality and reliable information is your public library card. It takes about 5 wiki wiki minutes to get one of these.