Sunday, February 08, 2009

Books We Like

"Ask Amy" Tells All
Amy Dickinson, NPR contributor and syndicated advice columnist (she replaced the late Ann Landers) delivers a spirited memoir about the people who most influenced her life and career. Most influential? Her family, The Mighty Queens of Freeville.

Addition is Toni Jordan's debut novel about Grace Lisa Vandenburg. It seems Grace has an obsessive-compulsive need to count... and an affinity for toothbrushes. Sharply written, poignant, and flat out funny, Jordan's novel asks us to contemplate age-old questions about balancing love and acceptance.

In Erica Bauermeister's The School of Essential Ingredients, chef Lillian teaches a cooking class in which students learn to serve up more than a well-prepared meal. Anyone who enjoys cooking with or for another will delight in this novel about the unbreakable bonds between good food and good friendships.