Friday, January 15, 2010

Energy Efficiency

More Than a Light Bulb...
Now that we are in the thick of winter, keep your wallet thick with money by lowering your utility bills as much as possible. Explore the following ideas:

Heating Systems
No matter which system you use, don't forget those annual checkups to make sure nothing needs replacing. Alternative systems are available, if your current system is expensive or inefficient. Options include pellet stoves, wood stoves, solar heating systems, infrared heaters, etc. If you have an East Hampton Public Library card, you can check Consumer Reports for best advice and if solar interests you, checkout CT's Solar Lease Program.

Energy Star : If you are in the market to replace an appliance, check out the Energy Star web site, a joint offering by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. Use the store locator click then zip code search to find e-star sellers in our area. You can also use to site to learn about tax credits for making your home more energy efficient.

Energy Review
Use your library card to check out a Kilowatt meter. Use them to help you understand your electricity usage.

Energy Assistance
If you are in need of assistance with utility bills, learn more about the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program.

Other Tips
  • Turn your thermostat down while you are out of the house at work or school during the day, or when you are away from home for extended periods of time.
  • Try insulated shades or insulating plastic wrap on your windows to keep heat inside your home.
  • Make sure you have good weatherstripping on the bottom of your doors to avoid draftiness and the heat loss that is associated with it.
  • Turn off the lights and unplug turned off electronics when you are finished.
  • Double check your insulation throughout the house, especially around heating pipes.
  • If you have a way to regulate the temperatures in various parts of the house on your thermostat, close the doors and lower the temperature in rooms you rarely use.
  • Put an extra layer on and be sure to have a warm comforter on the bed so you can lower the heat while you sleep.

Post by Kathleen Sands