Sunday, December 30, 2007

ICONN Resources for Students

Graphics for Presentations and Papers

Need a chart or photograph to make your paper or presentation all the more powerful? Take it up a notch by exploring the Associated Press (AP) Multimedia Archive found at The database allows you to search and browse AP images as far back as 1860 -- then download, email, or print them to use in your assignments. You’re sure to find a picture worth a thousand words (which you will still have to write) among the 3.5 million images in this archive.

About iCONN
iCONN is part of the Connecticut Education Network. It provides all students, faculty and residents with online access to essential library and information resources. It is administered by the Connecticut State Library in conjunction with the Department of Higher Education. Through iCONN, a core level of information resources including secured access to licensed databases is available to every citizen in Connecticut.