Sunday, October 04, 2009

Poet of the Month

October's Featured Poet
Marge Piercy (1936-) as the Boston Globe put it, is “a cultural touchstone. Few writers in modern memory have sustained her passion, and skill, for creating stories of consequence.” She has authored 15 volumes of poetry, though she’s best known for her novels: Gone To Soldiers, Braided Lives, and The Longings of Women — plus 13 others. She is a passionate feminist and anti-war spokes-person. She has taught, spoken, or performed her work at well over 400 college and university campuses around the world.

More Than Enough

The first lily of June opens its red mouth.
All over the sand road where we walk
multiflora rose climbs trees cascading
white or pink blossoms, simple, intense
the scene drifting like colored mist.

The arrowhead is spreading its creamy
clumps of flower and the blackberries
are blooming in the thickets. Season of
joy for the bee. The green will never
again be so green, so purely and lushly

new, grass lifting its wheaty seedheads
into the wind. Rich fresh wine
of June, we stagger into you smeared
with pollen, overcome as the turtle
laying her eggs in roadside sand.

Further Reading:
Try Piercy's novels or her early poetry volumes:
Early Grrrl : The Early Poems of Marge Piercy
What Are Big Girls Made Of? : Poems

Coming in November: Maya Angelou

Content developed by local resident and poet Leland Jamieson, author of:
21st Century Bread (2007)
In Vitro : New Short Rhyming Poems Post-9/11 (2009)