Thursday, April 01, 2010

April is Cancer Control Month

"The greatest wealth is health." ~ Virgil
Cancer is a terrible disease and the second leading cause of death in our country. Though cancer survival rates are increasing, there is still so much we have to learn about cancer in order to control it. There are also many people working to understand the disease and many publications that help people become more informed. This month become one of those people! In addition to recent titles about specific types of cancer, here's a quick list of recent general works:

Anticancer : a new way of life by David Servan-Schreiber

What to eat during cancer treatment : 100 great tasting great-tasting, family-friendly recipes to help you cope by Jeanne Besser

Alternative Medicine Magazine's definitive guide to cancer by Lise Alschuler

The cancer survivor's guide : foods that help you fight back by Neal D. Barnard

National Organizations Plus
American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Mayo Clinic

Alternative Theories

Gerson Institute
Weston A. Price Foundation

iCONN, "Connecticut's research engine", features free access to a variety of online databases including MedlinePlus and Health & Wellness Resource Center. Both of these resources focus on consumer and alternative health information. Good deal since all you need to access quality info is... a library card.

Post by Kathleen Sands