How to Start a Home-based Tutoring Business provides teachers and those with expertise in various fields with great advice on how to work one-on-one with children who need specialized help.
Sell your crafts part-time with advice found in Crafty Superstar : Make Crafts on the Side, Earn Extra Cash, and Basically Have It All. A good handbook all around and the subtitle neatly summarizes the content.
Start & Run a Home Cleaning Business offers detailed information about target marketing, goals, training, staff, and finances.
Start Your Own Clothing Store and More covers finding your niche with advice on children's, bridal, vintage, and consignment clothing.
From NOLO Press, learn about how to turn an avocation or hobby into cash using general self-help title, Whoops! I'm in Business. Also try NOLO's How to Write a Business Plan.
The library also holds a variety of titles about business accounting, including a great series of DVDs that will be especially useful to visual learners.
Post by Bev Simmons