In For a Quarter...
If you fancy an inexpensive read -- more expensive than borrowing a library book for free but still absolutely, certainly inexpensive -- do check out the Second Hand Prose book shelves located in the library's lobby. Paperback books sell for a quarter; hardcovers for a dollar. 'Special' books are often featured and are priced separately, as are occasionally donated DVDs.
Books for Kids
Children's books fans may also find inexpensive reads in the Children's Services area's book sale bins. Most books sell for a quarter; some for a dime.
Friends of the Library
Proceeds from used book sales help our Friends of the Library group. The Friends annually fund the library's Museum Pass Program, summer reading activities and prizes, plus other special programs and projects.
If you have ever benefited from the museum pass program, please do consider volunteering your time to staff the Friend's Book Store on a Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sign up at the library or contact us at (860) 267-6621 for more information. It takes many dimes, quarters, and dollars to get you to a museum at discount or for free...