Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Add a Sheen to Your Homestead
Spring cleaning may not be a favorite job but who doesn't enjoy the outcome?  Here's a few new titles that may help guide your efforts, each with a different viewpoint.

Planet Home by Jeffrey Hollender and Alexandra Zissu
This one walks the reader through the how-to's of cleaning room-to-room and offers easy 'recipes' for making your own cleaning products. Hollender's the founder of eco-friendly household cleaner and personal care company Seventh Generation.

Just Clean Enough by I.B. Caruso and Jenny Schroedel
Just because you're busy doesn't mean you have to lower your standards.  In 5-20 minutes a day, the authors suggest you can cut the clutter, clean and freshen your space, and give yourself permission to be ever so slightly imperfect.

One in a series of eco-friendly titles from Atlantic Publishing Group.

House of Havoc by Marni Jameson
Another fun and reasonable take on keeping it clean by the author of 2009's The House Always Wins.

Cleaning Magic by Joey Green
A book about offbeat ways to use brand-name products to solve problems the products were not designed to solve?  Couldn't help but think of the old SNL routine (floor wax AND a dessert topping!")  Have fun. 

Upcoming Events
Look ahead to June 9th when the library will be offering a free workshop about how to make your own eco-friendly, low-impact cleaning solutions.  Click here for info.