Friday, January 04, 2013

All Hearts On Deck!

Hearts On Hands Crunch Time...
By now, just about everyone in our community has heard about The Kissing Hand Mitten Project, conceived by our extraordinarily humble neighbor, Kim Piscatelli.

If you are not a knitter but would like to contribute your time, basic sewing skills and heart to the cause, here's one easy way to support the Kissing Hand Project:

Show Your Heart, Sew A Heart
Beginning Monday, January 7, you can pick up one or more mitten/glove kits at the library. Each kit contains a pair of mittens or gloves, felt, a 'kissing hand' heart template for the felt, and yarn. Sew one heart on to each of the mittens or gloves; also use the yarn to connect the pair. Work at the library as a group (we'll make room) or take a few kits home to share with your neighbors.

All completed Kissing Hand kits must be returned to library on Friday, January 11 by 3:00 p.m.

All of the kit components, 50 plus, were donated by local and area residents. Hope to see you Monday and let's get sewing!