Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bestseller Watch...

Mix and Match Usual and Unusally Great
Last week and this week, the NYT's Best Seller Lists (short and long) showed an interesting variety of books that you, our local audience, very apparently want to read. Here's a few books you may wish to add to your personal reading list. Mix and match fiction and memoir.

Next week, however, look for Baldacci and Woods, whose latest novels will be released on Tuesday, to cause a little shuffle in the top 16 books on the NYT hardcover fiction list. Maybe we’ll all need to shuffle our reading lists to make room or better yet, we’ll all just have to make a little more time to read.

First Family by David Baldacci
Loitering With Intent by Stuart Woods
The Perfect Poison by Amanda Quick
Not Becoming My Mother by Ruth Reichl
Crazy Love by Leslie Morgan Steiner
The Song Is You by Arthur Phillips
Might as Well Laugh About It by Marie Osmond; with Marcia Wallace
Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox
Cloris by Cloris Leachman
Growing Up Again by Mary Tyler Moore
Malice by Lisa Jackson
Rides a Dread Legion by Raymond E. Feist

Keeping Track?
If you're an online aficionado, the easiest way to keep track of NYT bestsellers added to our collection is to use our BookNews service. Give it a try...